Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.


First Thesis of the IVIO Chair and V Awards for the Best TFM/TFG in Dental Technology

Josep Rodríguez Sendra, Doctor of the IVIO-UPV Chair of Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València, has presented his doctoral thesis entitled “Ultrasonic Monitoring of Dental Tissues”, the first to be presented in the framework of the Chair, created in 2016. In the first part of his dissertation he analyzes the process of tooth […]

Resounding Success of the XLIX Meeting of the Center for Odonto-Stomatological Studies in Gandia

The dental congress organized by the IVIO-UPV Chair of Campus Gandia congregated the leading professionals in the Valencian cosmetic dentistry sector in Gandia in the first two days of July, filling every available seat in the auditorium. The Meeting of the Center for Odonto-Stomatological Studies (CEOE, for its Spanish initials) returned with greater strength and enthusiasm […]

Countdown to the 49th Meeting of the Center for Odonto-Stomatological Studies of Valencia

July 1st and 2nd will see the celebration of the forty-ninth edition of the Meeting of the Center for Odonto-stomatological Studies of Valencia, organized by the IVIO-UPV Chair of Campus Gandia alongside other institutions. At this meeting, dentists from Valencia will have to opportunity to attend interesting conferences with presentations given by leading professionals in […]

James Ghilotti Wins the IVIO-UPV Chair Award for Best TFG

James Ghilotti, graduate in Dentistry from the University of Valencia, has been declared the winner of the fourth edition of the Campus Gandia IVIO-UPV Chair award for the best TFG/TFM related to applied technology in the field of dentistry. This prize, valued at €1,000, will permit him to present the conclusions of his Final Degree […]

Enrique González, New Fellow at the IVIO-UPV Chair

ENRIQUE GONZÁLEZ MATEO INTERNS AT THE IVIO-UPV CHAIR The technical engineer of Telecommunications, Enrique González Mateo, has joined the team of the IVIO-UPV Chair of Campus Gandia to carry out his internship doing research on the applications of ultrasound on hard tissues of the body. In his own words, from childhood he always considered music and […]

IVIO, the UPV and CEU Cardenal Herrera Partner to Study Dentin Demineralization

The prestigious scientific journal, IEEE Ultrasonics Transactions and Ferroelectrics, has published a paper authored by the Valencian Institute of Dental Research (IVIO), the CEU Cardenal Herrera University and the Universitat Politècnica de València, titled “Ultrasonic Monitoring of Dentin Demineralization”, demonstrating the value of collaboration between different institutions in research projects on ultrasound. A RESEARCH PROJECT […]

The iViO-UPV Chair Takes Part in the 2nd SaforSalut

June 4th saw the celebration of the 2nd SaforSalut Conference. On this occasion the event took place online due to the current Covid-19 situation. The main objective of this edition was to create opportunities for relationships to forge between the health, business and university sectors to determine the new healthcare needs in the Safor county […]

Tomy Murrat Wins the iViO-UPV Chair Award for Best TFG

IV IVIO-UPV CHAIR SYMPOSIUM POSTPONED Due to the Covid-19 Coronavirus health emergency, the the iViO-UPV Chair classes and cultural activities will be suspended until authorities permit normal academic and work life to resume. For the same reason, the chair sees itself obligated to postpone the IV iViO-UPV Chair Symposium, originally planned for April 3. In […]

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