Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.


Noise: The Hidden Health Hazard

The Spanish Acoustic Society (SEA) is a leading authority in acoustic research and education. Founded in 1969, this non-profit association aims to advance the field of acoustics across various disciplines and applications. “The Spanish Acoustic Society is committed to promoting research, information, education, and consultancy in the field of acoustics. Membership is open to anyone […]

Emerging Trends in Ultrasound Applications

In June, the summer course “Emerging Trends in Ultrasound Applications” was held at Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València, part of the WAVES International Master’s Degree, this course attracted students from around the globe to pursue specialized studies in the field of acoustics. The course was organized by Francisco Camarena, a research professor […]

New System to Measure Tuna More Accurately and Curb Overfishing

Researchers from Campus Gandia (UPV) and the ai2 Institute of Industrial Automation and Informatics (UPV) have evaluated a groundbreaking system in Australia that automatically measures tuna size as they swim freely, enabling accurate biomass estimation. The team was directly commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to conduct real-world tests in collaboration with Australian […]

Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence

To facilitate the exchange of information and stimulate collaborative efforts towards joint research and innovation projects, ARI Hub, in partnership with Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), organized the 5th Tech Breakfast. This event was dedicated to exploring fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence as applied within various businesses and institutions. Artificial Intelligence […]

Metamaterials: The Future of Acoustics at the Sonology Conference

Campus Gandia research professor Rubén Picó presented the latest trends and developments in acoustic materials and room acoustics at the Sonology Conference hosted by the Joaquín Rodrigo de València Higher Conservatory of Music.   The Sonology Conference is an exceptional opportunity to explore the intersections between music and other disciplines. This year, the conference had […]

Smart Wireless Networks for More Efficient Irrigation in Rural Areas

Researchers from Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València are proposing a new distribution strategy for soil monitoring networks enabling more efficient irrigation scheduling. The system helps determine irrigation needs based on FAO recommendations and data from sensors. Interview with Jaime Lloret on RNE. Precision agriculture is a term that defines the management of […]

Digipesca Creates a Database for Spanish Mediterranean Fish Exchanges

A team from the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) led by Paloma Herreraon Campus Gandia, with the collaboration of researchers from five other Spanish universities working on the Digipesca Project, has created a new and powerful resource in the form of a database that will help the scientific community to study and understand seafood extraction […]

Relevant Doctoral Thesis Award Winner

Sergio Jiménez Gambín is a recipient of the Relevant Doctoral Thesis Awards granted by the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC, for its Spanish initials). This award “has given me the motivation to continue pursuing my research dream; to develop a technology capable of treating Alzheimer’s disease.” Jiménez Gambín studied the Master’s Degree in Acoustic […]

A Project for the Noses

Writing a doctoral thesis has been a challenging experience for me. The pandemic affected my progress to some extent, since I had to do a lot of assignments online, turning my home into a laboratory. Funding was an important factor in my research process, and it was key to being able to dedicate myself to […]

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