Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

Microplastics, beyond pellets

The cargo spill that occurred off the coast of Portugal and northern Spain recently has raised the alarms about the environmental dangers of microplastics. Though it is undeniable that the situation is dire and it will be complicated to mitigate the environmental impacts from the spillage of such high quantities of pellets into the sea […]

Campus Gandia Takes Part in the Biofira Encounter to Fight Climate Change

On Saturday, November 16th, Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València UPV took part in Biofira, a fair held in Gandia with the intention of raising awareness and proposing ideas to respond to the challenges of climate change. Biofira was organized by the Gandia – la Safor Climate Change and Sustainability Neighborhood Movement (MVCCS, […]

A Pioneering UPV Research Study Reveals High Levels of Microplastics in the Southern Gulf of Valencia

Nuria Felis, under the supervision of the Campus Gandia professors Silvia Falco and Miguel Rodilla, has conducted the first study on microplastic density the southern area of the Gulf of Valencia in her Master’s Thesis for the Masters Program in Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems of the Universitat Politècnica de València. […]

A Campus Gandia Graduate Designs a Route Along a Branch of the Via Augusta de la Safor

Recover our forgotten heritage and create a project to improve and preserve it for future generations, while creating a tourist route to diversify the offerings of la Safor. These are the objectives of the Final Degree Project “Proposal for the Development and Enhancement of the Vía Augusta Branch in the Towns of Oliva, Piles, Miramar, Guardamar and […]

Campus Gandia Researchers Design Cycling and Pedestrian Routes in the Safor

Showcasing the landscapes associated with the traditional water use, agriculture and the cultural heritage of La Safor. This was the objective behind the design of the cycling and pedestrian routes carried out by researchers from the Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València. Vicent Altur, José Andrés Sanchis and Maria Teresa Sebastià, professors in the Environmental […]

Biology and tourism on ‘Ciència propera’ (2nd and 3rd program)

In the second episode of ‘Ciència propera’, Pilar Donat, professor and biologist at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, reflects on the importance of investing in research and having heterogeneous teams for their development. Teams that include experienced middle aged people (seniors, to lead) and young people who provide high doses of creativity, critical to any search task. Donat also […]

In Science, Every Effort has its Reward

Virginia Garófano Gómez, who completed her doctoral dissertation at Campus Gandia, tells us about her pre-doctoral and current post-doctoral experience at the Blas Pascal University of Clermont-Ferrand (France). My interest in river ecosystems and riparian vegetation got its start when I was studying Environmental Sciences at the University of Granada, which is why I decided […]

women and science Science Week ciencialab comunica2 BANNER CIENCIA CERCANA_ING Scientific output R&D&I