Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

Environmental Science

The Fin Whale Might Be Present Year Round

“Using passive acoustic monitoring techniques, we’ve detected that the fin whale might be present year round, not just during the summer months, although sightings are more frequent in June and July,” highlighted Eduardo Belda, professor at Campus Gandia (UPV) and principal scientific investigator for the project “Cabo Rorcual: A Study of the Presence and Origin […]

Digitalizing and Adding Value to the Fishing Industry in the Spanish Mediterranean

A network of researchers, coordinated by Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), is working on the project “Digitalizing and Adding Value to the Fishing Industry in the Spanish Mediterranean (DIGIPESCA)”. Funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food through Next Generation funds under the the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. This […]

Digitalization in Agriculture to Improve Crops

Jaime Lloret and Sandra Sendra, from Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), head “Smart edge cOmputing in Heterogeneous wireLess sensor networks for precision agricUlture and DigiTal FarmIng DisseminatiON (SOLUTION)”. This is a subproject included in an ambitious coordinated project, “Woody Crop Observatory: Smart, sustainable, and competitive digital farming for farmers, researchers, consumers, and […]

New Prototypes for Monitoring Marine Species and Habitats

The LIFE IP INTEMARES project, coordinated by the Fundación Biodiversidad, with the participation of researchers from Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), aims to achieve a network of efficiently managed and innovative Natura 2000 marine spaces, with the active participation of relevant sectors and using research as basic decision-making tools. During the […]

New PhD Program in Marine and Coastal Science and Technology

Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) launches the new PhD Program in Marine and Coastal Science and Technology starting in the 2022-2023 term. Education in science and applications for the marine and coastal environment The PhD Program in Marine and Coastal Science and Technology is aimed at advanced students with an interest […]

Changes in the Landscape of La Safor

The Mediterranean cultural landscape, a typical agroforestry mosaic landscape, has been maintained for millennia through extensive traditional practices. Its chief attribute is the tremendous large-scale spatial heterogeneity that allows for the existence of ecotonal zones with great diversity in flora and fauna, making this landscape one of the foremost “hotspots” in global biodiversity. However, since […]

WATERSensing, an App that Manages Natural Disasters

One of the consequences of climate change is the proliferation of adverse weather events. Large storms, floods, heavy snowfalls or extreme temperatures are becoming more and more frequent, all of which require rapid intervention to prevent their possible consequences and minimize their impact as much as possible. To this end, social media can turn out […]

Serpis Health Status: Mercury, Nitrates and Pesticides

A number of threats are affecting the conservation statuses of riverine ecosystems. Various factors and processes such as land use or climate change can have a negative impact on their proper function and accelerate their degradation, requiring the control and evaluation of the quality of the water and its habitats, as well as the implementation […]

Prize Awarded to a Study on Generational Renewal in the Fishing Industry

In addition to the many problems that the fishing sector is facing, there is one that has barely been addressed, but which seriously threatens the continuity of small-scale fisheries: generational renewal. This challenge is the subject of the study entitled “Sustainability of the Fisheries Sector in the Valencian Community: the Challenge of Generational Renewal”, by […]

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