Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

Noise: The Hidden Health Hazard

The Spanish Acoustic Society (SEA) is a leading authority in acoustic research and education. Founded in 1969, this non-profit association aims to advance the field of acoustics across various disciplines and applications. “The Spanish Acoustic Society is committed to promoting research, information, education, and consultancy in the field of acoustics. Membership is open to anyone interested. “Professionals, researchers, students, and enthusiasts in the field of acoustics are represented on the Governing Council, where I have served since 2009,” said Jesús Alba, director of Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and member of the SEA Governing Council.

The director of Campus Gandia stated, “It is an honor to be part of the Spanish Acoustic Society. It highlights the significant contributions our campus makes in teaching, research, and innovation in acoustics. In a way, it serves as an international mark of quality for our Master’s Degree in Acoustic Engineering, making it one of the top programs in the country. It also underscores the significance of the acoustic research and innovation conducted at Campus Gandia of UPV.”

“The Spanish Acoustic Society organizes congresses, conferences and other events related to acoustics. “We also collaborate on drafting acoustic standards at both national and international levels, contribute to specialized magazines and books, and participate in awareness campaigns about noise and hearing health,” said Jesús Alba.

Furthermore, “By being part of the Governing Council of the Spanish Acoustic Society, the UPV gains a voice, vote, and decision-making power on various acoustics-related issues with national and international impact,” noted the director of Campus Gandia and Governing Council member of the Spanish Acoustic Society.

Noise is considered an invisible pollutant that demands our attention. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked environmental noise as the second most significant pollutant. Numerous scientific and medical studies also confirm the detrimental effects of noise on humans, both physiologically and psychosomatically.

For more information on acoustics research and innovation at Campus Gandia:

Source: Laida Frasquet, Journalist for the Office of Communications at Campus Gandia.  Universitat Politècnica de València

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