Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

Renewal of the Safor Salut Agreement for Another Four Years

The collaboration agreement for the Safor Salut program has been renewed for another four years to continue promoting cooperation between key agents of the Valencian health innovation system in the geographical area of La Safor and its surroundings.

These agents include Fisabio, along with the Department of Health of Gandia and with the HACLE La Pedrera of Dénia, Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Federation of Business Associations of Safor (FAES).

In addition, Safor Salut is working in conjunction with institutions, patient associations and city councils, with the aim of developing innovation in products and services in cooperation. In this way, the main objective of the agreement that is now being renewed is to generate ideas and innovation projects in the healthcare setting that can bring about new innovative products and services.

The signing ceremony took place at the Francesc de Borja University Hospital in Gandia, and was attended by the Head of Fisabio, Mónica Pont; the Vice President of FAES, Ramón Soler; the Director of Campus Gandia of the UPV, Jesús Alba; the Director of the Gandia Health Department, Pedro Rollán; the FDirector of the HACLE of La Pedrera, Jaume Morera; and the Technical Team from the Safor Salut program.

The main aim of the program is collaborating to bring about innovative ideas and projects in the healthcare setting. The signing of the agreement implies the continuity of this cooperation program thanks to which important innovation projects are being developed.

This serves to strengthen and promote the cooperation in research and development between the industrial, technological, healthcare and social fabric of the geographical area of the Safor county and its surroundings.

The program has the support of the Valencian Innovation Agency (AVI).


If you have a project idea and require a partner from the healthcare, university, or business sector to execute it, submit your idea to saforsalut.es/ideas-retos. We’ll assist you in finding suitable partners. Additionally, you can explore the ideas submitted by others and actively participate by contributing to their implementation.


Campus de Gandia (UPV): Pilar Sánchez | psanche@upv.es

FISABIO: María Prada | maria.prada@fisabio.es , Amparo Arlandis |  amparo.arlandis@fisabio.es

Empresas-FAES: Josep Miquel Juan | mjuan@cev.es , Fina López | finalopez@faesafor.com


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