Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

Safor Salut 2021 Conference – Incorporating Social Agents

The “Safor Salutt” cooperation program, a joint initiative between FISABIOGandia Health Department, FISABIHACLE La Pedrera, Campus Gandia Campus of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) and the Federation of Business Associations of La Safor (FAES), is gearing up for its first conference of 2021, which is set to take place on Thursday, May 27, from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., through the online platform Zoom.

To take part in the conference, you must register by filling out the registration form.

The aim of the conference is to present the Safor Salut work plan for the year 2021, whose primary novelty is the incorporation of social agents as an active part of the innovation system. “The incorporation of the patient associations in La Safor, the Gandia City Council and the Mancomunitat de Municipis de la Safor to the innovative process of the project will promote and strengthen research cooperation between the industrial, technological, healthcare and social fabric in the area of La Safor and its surroundings for the development of innovative products and services that will provide solutions to real challenges,” according to the Safor Salut technical team.

Information will be provided during the event to promote the incorporation of the social axis into the program, as well as to encourage the detection of health and social challenges and participation in projects from the idea conception phase to its development.

Likewise, in order to leverage the synergies between innovation agents, experiences will be provided of real application projects in the healthcare field to serve as inspiring examples for the proposal of new collaborative research projects between agents. The conference will feature campus researcher, Teresa Sebastiá, and the researcher from Fisabio, Carmen Barona, who will present the project: Study of the relationship between green urban development and public health as an example of a city project.


1:00 pm. Presentation of the Safor Salut 2021 program

1:10 pm. Case studies:

  1. Study on the relationship between green urban development and public health. Teresa Sebastiá, Campus Gandia (UPV) and Carmen Barona, Fisabio-Public Health.
  2. Active participation of patient associations in research projects: the case of Wilson’s disease. Clara Cavero, Rare Diseases Research Area of Fisabio; AEFEW – Spanish Association of Patients & Families with Wilson’s Disease.
  3. X-ray sitting system for children with major deformities. Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia (IBV), AVAPACE Association, Biomedical group EIFFAGE and IIS La Fe.

1:35 pm. Presentation of social agents and collaborators:

  • Gandia Safor Parkinson’s Association
  • Spanish Cancer Association of Valencia and Gandia
  • La Safor Associations for Families of Alzheime’rs Patients
  • ESPURNA Foundation
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association
  • Foundation for Health Research in the county of La Safor (AISSA)
  • Gandia City Council
  • Joint Association of Municipalities of la Safor

2:15 pm. Discussion and Q&A

2:30 pm. Closing. Joaquín Miñana, Gandia Health Department.


The event is aimed at research personnel from Campus Gandia (UPV), La Safor patient associations, Gandia City Council,J oint Association of Municipalities of la Safor, Gandia Health Department, La Pedrera Hospital, and La Safor companies interested in proposing or participating in the development of ideas to improve patient care and the overall health of the population, as well as capacities to solve the challenges detected.


If you have a project idea related to the healthcare sector and require a partner from the healthcare, university, or business sector to execute it, submit your idea to saforsalut.es/ideas-retos. We’ll assist you in finding suitable partners. Additionally, you can explore the ideas submitted by others and actively participate by contributing to their implementation.


Campus de Gandia (UPV)Pilar Sánchez | psanche@upv.esNeus Montoro | niemones@upv.es

FISABIO-DS GandiaMaría Prada prada_marmar@gva.esAmparo Arlandis | arlandis_ampviy@gva.es,

Elena Carrió | carrio_elearg@gva.es, Silvia Llacer | llacer_sil@gva.es

Empresas-FAES: Diego Pérez | saforinnova@faesafor.comFina López | info@faesafor.com


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