Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

e-Health Gandia Demo Day

Tomorrow, Thursday, June 15, we invite you to take part in e-Health Gandia Demo Day, organized by the Valencian Community Digital District, Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), the Gandia City Council, Safor Salut and Innsomnia.

If you’d like to attend, please fill out the following registration form: https://distritodigitalcv.es/calendario/e-health-gandia-demo-day/.

As an initiative within the e-Health District program aimed at promoting healthcare innovation and digitization throughout the region and the nation, this event will take place at 10:30 a.m. in the Assembly Hall of Campus Gandia (UPV) and will present the results of the pilot tests carried out by some of the most prominent startups in the area of digital health and well-being: Legit Health, Tucuvi and Movsa.

After the inauguration of its headquarters at Campus Gandia, the results of the open innovation program in health carried out in the year 2021-2022 will be presented at this event.


At the conference, the use cases of these technological solutions within hospitals and public health centers will be presented, as well as the overall results of the e-Health District open innovation program. In addition, attendees will be able to learn about some of the projects and initiatives that are being carried out in the Safor Salut program and the new businesses that are starting up in the Gandia e-Health District technology hub. puedan estrechar lazos y nuevas vías de colaboración.
Finally, a networking brunch will take place in order to build ties and create new ways of working together.


This conference is targeted at representatives of the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal y Salut Pública, the Gandia City Council, Startups from the health challenge, Hospitals implementing the pilot tests, the Universitat Politècnica de València, Corporates participating in the challenge and the entire ecosystem of innovation and digital health of the Valencian Community.


  • 10:30. – 10:40 a.m. Institutional opening session by Jesús Alba, Director of Campus Gandia (UPV) and Antonio Rodes Juan, General Director SPTD, CEO Digital District
  • 10:40. – 10:50 a.m.  Presentation of the Digital District, by Santiago Ambit, Digital District Coordinator
  • 10:50h – 11:00 a.m. Progress of the e-Health District program, by Francesc Pons, General Manager of Innsomni
  • 11:00h. – 11:30 a.m. Presentation of the results of the pilots by the companies Legit Health, Tucuvi and Movsa with corporate and/or hospital collaborators.
  • 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p,m. Round table on the Gandia Campus (UPV) health projects. Moderator: Pilar Sánchez, technical staff of the Safor Salut program.
  • Circular economy of hospital textile waste.. Ramón Soler, CEO of Aupa
  • Reduction of vibration transmission in incubators. Romina del Rey, research professor at  Campus Gandia (UPV)
  • Mapping community health resources in the county of La Safor. Borja Ferrer, researcher at La Pedrera Hospital (Fisabio)
  • University Hackathon: Campus Salud Gandia. Jose Millet, research professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València
  • 12:00. – 12.15 p.m. Presentation of new companies in the Gandia Digital District HUB.
  • 12:15. – 12:30 p.m. Closure by José Manuel Prieto, Mayor of Gandia
  • 12:30 pm. Networking brunch


If you have a project idea and require a partner from the healthcare, university, or business sector to execute it, submit your idea to saforsalut.es/ideas-retos. We’ll assist you in finding suitable partners. Additionally, you can explore the ideas submitted by others and actively participate by contributing to their implementation.


Campus de Gandia (UPV): Pilar Sánchez | psanche@upv.es

FISABIO: María Prada | prada_marmar@gva.es, Amparo Arlandis | arlandis_ampviy@gva.es,

Amparo Estruch | amparo.estruch@fisabio.es , Elena Carrió | carrio_elearg@gva.es, Silvia Llàcer | llacer_sil@gva.es

Empresas-FAES: Josep Miquel Juan mjuan@cev.es , Fina López | info@faesafor.com



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