Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

Safor Salut and AriHub Spearhead Innovative Rural Healthy Diet Initiatives

The ‘Safor Salut‘ collaboration program, a joint effort involving Campus Gandia of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), FISABIOGandia Health Department, FISABIO-HACLE La Pedrera, and the Safor Federation of Business Associations (FAES), in collaboration with ARIHub, have come together to organize a workshop aimed at co-creating new projects focused on promoting healthy diets for elderly individuals in rural areas. 

The event sought to achieve several objectives: to inform participants about the Cuina que Cuida program, to discuss potential improvements for this program and similar initiatives, and to facilitate the creation of collaborative research and innovation projects involving research institutions, healthcare providers, universities, businesses, and professionals from regional councils and municipalities focusing on elderly nutrition in rural areas. Furthermore, the event aimed to encourage citizen participation in the medium term.

Two potential areas of focus were suggested: Cuina que cuida catering for the elderly and applying a healthy diet to manage a specific illness.

Throughout the workshop, ideas have been refined through collaboration among all partners within the Safor Salut and AriHub ecosystem, with the ultimate goal of generating innovative projects.

Representatives from Fisabio, Campus Gandia (UPV), Safor Federation of Business Associations (FAES), UPV research staff, Gandia City Council, Villalonga Health Center, Gandia Health Department, Mancomunitat of the Vall d’Albaida, as well as companies including Vitarest, ODEC, Vicky Foods, and Christeyns were in attendance.  Furthermore, we received support from the consulting firm Aliasgroup.


Co-creation workshops are specifically designed to address ideas requiring collaborative development efforts, involving the participation of other institutions and companies for their implementation. These workshops gather professionals from diverse backgrounds to analyze the situation, encourage diverse perspectives, and propose their involvement in the development process, along with offering various solutions. Ultimately, these ideas are structured into one or several collaborative research or innovation projects.


If you have a project idea and require a partner from the healthcare, university, or business sector to execute it, submit your idea to saforsalut.es/ideas-retos. We’ll assist you in finding suitable partners. Additionally, you can explore the ideas submitted by others and actively participate by contributing to their implementation.

Safor Salut Team

Campus Gandia (UPV): Pilar Sánchez | psanche@upv.es  Amparo Estruch | maesmon@upv.es

FISABIO: María Prada | maria.prada@fisabio.es Amparo Arlandis |  amparo.arlandis@fisabio.es

Empresas-FAES: Josep Miquel Juan | mjuan@cev.es  Fina López | finalopez@faesafor.com

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