Un blog de Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, Campus de Gandia.

Monthly Archives: November 2016

Programmes “Ciència propera”

“Ciència Propera” is a radio program for scientific dissemination, made of 12 chapters produced from the Campus of Gandia of the Politechnich University of Valencia. It has been broadcasted in Radio Gandia, Cadena Ser, on Mondays, within the programme ‘Hoy por hoy’ (approximately at 12:30h) and in the radio program of the UPV Radio Station, Mondays […]

New technologies and acoustic impact in ‘Ciència Propera’

In the fourth episode of Ciència Propera we will hear about a project to design metamaterials that help to improve insulation and reduce sound impact. The research led by Professor Víctor Sánchez, has been developed at the Campus de Gandia and also focuses on practical applications such as reducing the acoustic impact of rocket launches. The […]

A Vote for Science at Campus Gandia

propuestas políticas para la ciencia

We have a new opportunity to decide in the Campus Gandia elections who will represent us during the next four years. We will once again choose the Director, who will be responsible for deciding the direction  our center takes. The Campus has no direct decision-making responsibility in terms of research policies, as it is determined […]

Campus Gandia Research Scientist Consultant to Georgia on Environmental Flows

Francisco Martínez-Capel, research professor in the Environmental Science department of the Universitat Politècnica de València at Campus Gandia, is taking part in the project titled “Improving Environmental Flow Methodology and Preparatory Work for Implementation”. The aim of the project is to prepare a methodology to determine the environmental flows in the Republic of Georgia, and […]

women and science Science Week ciencialab comunica2 BANNER CIENCIA CERCANA_ING Scientific output R&D&I