Campus de Gandia Ciencia

Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced River Basin Water Management

portada Water4cast

Researchers from the “Integrated Forecasting System for Water and the Environment (WATER4CAST)” project have developed a platform that combines forecasts for meteorological, ecohydrological, agronomic, environmental, and water resource management.

This platform serves as a decision support system, providing forecasts for various meteorological variables and indicators within the Júcar River Basin District. It also predicts ecohydrological, agronomic, and environmental variables crucial for water management in the Júcar basin.

Francisco Martínez Capel, a research professor at Campu Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València, leads the team developing models that promote the survival of river-dependent species while enabling the sustainable use of water resources. The web platform enhances the prediction of meteorological variables, providing a foundation for the entire chain of hydrological cycle models. The platform also incorporates drought forecasts and fire risk indices.

Assessing aquatic species’ habitats is crucial for determining the minimum ecological flows outlined in hydrological plans. The ecological aspect is a key focus of the WATER4CAST project, as water management requires regulating flow rates, which directly impacts the river environment and the habitats of various species.

With this in mind, the “Fish Habitat Prediction” work area of the “Integrated Forecasting System for Water and the Environment (WATER4CAST)” project aims to enhance the management of the Júcar system, ensuring it can effectively meet new standards driven by the impacts of climate change..

“Understanding and characterizing the habitat is crucial, as it changes with the river’s flow and water quality. Climate change impacts various factors that determine the survival of these species, some of which are classified as vulnerable or even endangered, such as the Júcar loach and the European eel,” explains Francisco Martínez.

“These models will enhance the estimation of minimum ecological flows specified in hydrological plans, ensuring the survival of species while supporting the sustainable use of water for agriculture, urban needs, and other purposes,” says the researcher.

Prediction and Artificial Intelligence

In their study, the project team gathers weather forecasts from various forecasting centers across Europe and the United States..

This platform provides critical insights into short-term, sub-seasonal, and seasonal meteorological conditions, enabling informed and efficient decision-making for managing and utilizing water in the Júcar river basin.

The research project is funded by the “Prometeo 2021 for Research Groups of Excellence” program, managed by the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science, and Digital Society (GVA).

Finally, we are pleased to announce that the continuation of the PROMETEO project has been approved, and the new phase, WATER4CAST 2.0, will commence soon. Key advancements anticipated include extending the platform to additional river basins within the Júcar Demarcation, broadening the range of climate change scenarios, and introducing new prediction services and indices.​

More Information

Avila-Velasquez, D. I., Macian-Sorribes, H., and Pulido-Velazquez, M.: Post-processing seasonal meteorological forecasts with artificial intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-11868, , 2024.

Macian-Sorribes, H., Avila-Velasquez, D., and Pulido-Velazquez, M.: Multi-model seasonal forecasting service for meteorological droughts, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19051, , 2024.

Pulido-Velazquez, M., Avila-Velasquez, D., Macian-Sorribes, H., Carricondo-Anton, J. M., Echeverria, C. A., Frances, F., Garcia-Prats, A., Martinez-Capel, F., Garcia-Molla, M., Jimenez-Bello, M. A., Martinez-Alzamora, F., Lagos-Castro, I. G., and Manzano-Juarez, J.: WATER4CAST- integrated Forecasting System for Water and the Environment, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-19945, , 2024.

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