Campus de Gandia Ciencia

Female Engineers: Hidden Figures?

STEM degrees (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) are increasingly in demand in a world marked by the digital revolution. Monica Bragado, Industrial Engineer and President of the Social Council of the Universitat Politècnica de València, tells us this in the UPV documentary series, “Female Engineers: The Irreplaceable Factor”.

Yet, around the world there is a lack of interest among girls in these fields of study. The stereotypes associated with these careers and the lack of role models in scientific and technological fields are some of the factors that determine this disparity. The University of Oviedo conducted a study in 2014 to gain insight into the situation. The researcher Carmen Rodriguez says in the video below:

But why, if there is no objective evidence that girls do worse in these subjects, why, then, do they think so? One reason could be the lack of role models, since access to scientific careers has been difficult for many years.

The recently released film, Hidden Figures, tells the story of the African-American mathematician, Katherine Johnson and her colleagues, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson, who helped NASA in the Space Race. Thanks to Katherine’s calculations, John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit the earth.

A team achieved this feat, and this appears to be the best way to meet a challenge: working together for a common goal. As the Kevin Costner‘s character says in the movie, “We get to the peak together, or we don’t get there at all.”


In the commemoration of International Women’s Day, the Campus Gandia wants to contribute to the consolidation of female role models in STEM through the experience of its graduates, to encourage girls to choose these careers because they are fun, exciting, and because they are “girl things”. The panel discussion will take place on Friday, March 10, at 12:00 pm. in the Aula Magna with the title: “Technology: It’s a Girl Thing Too”, and includes graduates in Telecommunications Systems Engineering, Sound and Image from the Universitat Politècnica de València. Admission is free and open to all.

The participants will include Clara Luzón, recent recipient of the ITelecos award given to the outstanding Junior collegiate for his/her brilliant academic career; Raquel Bartual, member of the technical team of the Champi Women Racing Team motorcycling team; and Susana Bañuelos, entrepreneur , technical director of the Acoustics and Energy company, Luzea and Vicepresident of AGITCV /COGITCV (iTelecos).

And, in the words of the renowned Spanish scientist, Margarita Salas, in her lecture “Women and Science, My Own Experience” delivered at the Hospital Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona, ​​”You’re not born with vocation, you create it”.

The Campus Gandia of the UPV wants to foster vocations in science and engineering because society needs these capabilities in order to provide new solutions to old and new problems, and also because we know that they are exciting careers.

 Sandra Barrancos Gregori

Communication and Marketing Officer, Gandia Campus

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