Campus de Gandia Ciencia

Bring a Female Scientist to School

For the fifth year in a row and to celebrate February 11th, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Equality Committee of Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València sponsors the initiative “Bring a Female Scientist to School”, taking place throughout the month of February in the context of the state action, with the support of the IVIO Chair and American Space Valencia.

El reconocimiento de los méritos alcanzados por mujeres científicas y expertas continúa siendo una asignatura pendiente en las aulas, en las que todavía faltan referentes femeninos que inspiren y permitan verse reflejadas a niñas y adolescentes, factor clave en la superación de los estereotipos de género que persisten en nuestra sociedad y que influyen en la elección y proyección de un futuro profesional.

Recognizing and promoting the achievements of women in science and experts continues to be a pending subject in the classroom, where there is still a lack of female role models to inspire girls and teens and in whom they can see themselves reflected. This is a key factor in overcoming gender stereotypes that persist in our society and that influence the choice and projection of their future careers.

“According to the report ‘Equality in Numbers MEFP 2022’, published in 2022 by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP), girls were the majority in the Baccalaureate of Fine Arts (72.1%), Humanities ( 64.7%) and Social Sciences (54.8%) and less than half in Science (47.5%).

The V edition of “Bring a Female Scientist to School” will continue to be held in person to the classrooms of more than 900 preschool, primary and high school students with the aim of highlighting the work of women in science. The goal is to bring the reality of scientific-technical professions within the reach of students through educational and awareness-raising activities led by women working in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).


February 7th. A day in the life of a female scientist. CEIP Rei en Jaume de Xirivella (sixth grade). With Pilar Sánchez and Teresa Rubio. Activity organized in collaboration with the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia (IBV-CSIC). Selection of books from the Xirivella Library.

February 8th. Stellar Women. CRA Alfauir Ròtova (preschool and primary). With Isabel Pérez.

February 10th. A day in the life of a female scientist. CEIP Miguel de Cervantes de Xirivella (fourth grade). With Pilar Sánchez and Teresa Rubio. Activity organized in collaboration with the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia (IBV-CSIC). Selection of books from the Xirivella Library.

February 10th. Women and maps: science to discover the world. CEIP Lluís de Santàngel de El Saler (primary). WIth Pau Alonso-Monasterio.

February 13th.Working in science and technology and being a woman are compatible. IES Gabriel Ciscar de Oliva (fourth year ESO and Baccalaureate). With Lorena Parra.

February 13th. Why we need 11F and basic chemistry workshop. IES Ausiàs March de Gandia (third year of ESO). With Josepa Costa and Sagrario Torres.

February 14th. Women and science. Pre-filmmaking workshop. CEIP Joan Martorell de Gandia (third and fourth grade). With Josepa Costa and Sandra Martorell.

February 17th. El sonido puede verse. CEIP Sant Pere Apòstol de L´Alqueria de la Comtessa (fifth and sixth grade). With Romina del Rey.

February 28th. Storyteller: We’re not weird, we’re extraordinary. Xirivella Library (preschool and primary). With Pilar Sánchez and Teresa Rubio. Activity organized in collaboration with the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia (IBV-CSIC).

March 23th. Women in science, a multidisciplinary approach. IES Josep Iborra de Benissa (cuarto de la ESO). With Asun Pérez.

This activity also had the collaboration of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the framework of the annual programming of the UCC+i of the UPV.

We are future

On February 9th, the third Forum “Woman and Girl in Science” was held at Campus Gandia, organized by Las Provincias with the collaboration of the Gandia City Council, Campus Gandia (UPV) and Global Omnium.

During the conference, a round table was held, moderated by the editor of Las Provincias María José Carchano and presented by José Manuel Prieto, mayor of Gandia; and Jesús Alba, director of Campus Gandia of the UPV. Taking part in the discussion were Esther Méndez, Innovation Director at GOLab, Global Omnium Technology Center; Marina Pinto, nurse and researcher in the area of Cancer and Public Health at the Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (Fisabio); Nuria Lloret, research professor at the UPV; Silvia Falco, researcher and director of the Master’s Degree in Environmental Assessment and Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Ecosystems at Campus Gandia; and Silvia Vilariño, doctoral student at Campus Gandia and research technician.

The round table discussed issues such as the lack of female role models in the STEM field and how to promote them, full equality in fields such as research and science, the elimination of barriers and obstacles to developing professions related to the scientific-technical branch or the development of effective equality plans. All of this, with the aim of helping women who are already part of this academic and professional field, and those young women and girls, who may be considering now opting for this type of career.

Female researchers at Campus Gandia

The Campus Gandia CRAI Library is collaborating once again with the activities of 11F, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, carried out by Campus Gandia. This year the Library wants to give visibility to the female researchers of this Campus by showcasing their scientific output in the different fields in which they investigate: Communications, Chemistry, Audiovisual Communication, Economics, or Engineering among others, through the Internet.

You can view the research and teaching output of each researcher, be it in the form science journal articles, conference publications, books or supervised theses. You can also view the contracts and research projects received, awards and even patents.

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