Campus de Gandia Ciencia

Marc Oller Wins the IVIO-UPV Chair Award for Best TFG

Completing a Final Degree Project is one of the most decisive moments for any university student. It is the final effort to finalize an intense time period full of hours of study and academic projects. The team at the IVIO Chair of Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València is very aware of its importance and for this reason, since 2015, it has held the Awards for the Best TFG/TFM applied to its field of research: technology applied to dentistry. On this occasion, the winner is Marc Oller, a graduate in Interactive Technologies from the UPV.

Oller is passionate about technology, which led him to study the Bachelor’s Degree he has just finished and previous to that, the Upper Level Vocational Training Cycle in Multiplatform Application Development. His extensive education has allowed him to successfully carry out his ambitious TFG: “Development of an Augmented Reality Application to Aid and Guide Dentists during Implantology”. The work has consisted of developing an augmented reality application for smartphones to help guide in the use of dental burs used by dentists in the placement of dental implants.

The application connects augmented reality smart glasses to Android OS smartphones to indicate which tool to use and when, with the option of using a voice assistant, while allowing the user to customize it and include dental drill bit sets from different manufacturers. Oller has carried out an internship at the IVIO-UPV Chair, where he has worked on his TFG under the direction of research professor Fernando Boronat and in close collaboration with Joan Faus, director of the IVIO. In Oller’s words, “both Joan and Fernando have done an excellent job. Having the opportunity to work on mye TFG alongside professionals with so much experience and knowledge has helped me to deepen my understanding of all the concepts and center the idea adequately.”

For him it is “a real pride and honor” to receive this award, since it is the reward for all the effort he has put into his work, especially since the university where he has studied is the one to recognize the great potential of his TFG. He only has good things to say about his time spent as an undergraduate student at Campus Gandia of the UPV: “the social value, both friendships and in the professional field, since I have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people who have helped me improve in all aspects.”

Actualmente el recién premiado de los VI Premios al Mejor TFG de la Cátedra IVIO-UPV continúa formándose mientras lo compagina con su trabajo en una empresa privada del sector tecnológico. Admite que suele hacer “bastantes escapaditas para ver mundo”, lo cual le ayudan a abrir más su mente y enfocar nuevos proyectos. Si tuviera que convencer a alguien para que realizara una investigación relacionada con la tecnología odontológica en su Trabajo de Fin de Grado o Máster, destacaría las enormes posibilidades actuales para impulsar proyectos que puedan facilitar las tareas a los odontólogos.

Currently, the recent winner of the VI Awards for the Best TFG of the IVIO-UPV Chair continues to learn and train while combining it with his work in a private company in the technology sector. He admits that he usually takes “quite a few short trips to see the world,” which helps him open his mind more and focus on new projects. If I had to convince someone to carry out research related to dental technology in their Final Degree or Master’s Project, we would highlight the enormous current possibilities to promote projects to facilitate the work of dentists.

For more information and inquiries on the iViO-UPV Chair research projects, you can write to Francisco Camarena, research professor at Campus Gandia UPV, at:

You can follow the activity of the IVIO-UPV Chair on their: blog / Twitter / Facebook

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