Campus de Gandia Ciencia

Safor Salut Promotes Proposals for Innovative Projects in Healthcare

The “Safor Salut”, cooperation program, a joint initiative between Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)), FISABIOGandia Department of Health, FISABIO-HACLE La Pedrer and the Safor Federation of Business Associations (FAES), has organized a Technology Pill on key aspects of healthcare app development on June 30th in the Fomento de Gandia building.

The conference connected in-person and online the healthcare, technology, and business sectors with patient associations, the city council and the commonwealth of municipalities to promote proposals for innovative projects in the healthcare industry.

The conference presented the basic concepts of healthcare app development to provide better information on when it makes sense to develop proprietary apps, when to resort to existing apps, what aspects must be taken into account for their success, as well as main repositories.

Technology Pill: Key Aspects in Healthcare App Development | Campus Gandia – Universitat Politècnica de València

Experts from various fields took part in the event. The business perspective was represented by Salvador Rodrigo from the company Locatec, a company dedicated to the personalized development of computer applications, with a broad portfolio of highly developed applications, extensive experience in programming technologies adapted to new platforms and application development languages.

Next, Antonio Martínez, a researcher at the ITACA-SABIEN Institute of the Universitat Politècnica de Valènciaa, an expert in technologies for health and well-being, analyzed healthcare apps as medical devices.  He stressed that an app is considered a medical device if it is intended to be used specifically for diagnosis and/or therapeutic purposes, although there is a lot of casuistry and it needs to be studied on a case-by-case basis.

Subsequently there was a round table discussion titled “Reflection on the role of applications in the healthcare setting, needs and accessibility. The main barriers”, moderated by Daniel Royo, from the Patient Care and Communication service of the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salud Pública.

Participating in the round table were Jesús Tomás from Campus Gandia, an expert in the development of mobile apps and artificial intelligence, Dolores Miñana, psychologist and coordinator of the Center for Child Development and Early Care of the Commonwealth of Municipalities of La Safor, Alicia Garrote, occupational therapist and specialist in Neurology at La Pedrera Chronic Care and Long Stay Hospital and, from the Espurna Foundation, Joana Miragall and Nancy Vidal, psychologist and social worker.

The round table discussed topics such as the needs of patients for apps, accessibility, availability in the healthcare system and the digital barriers that may arise.

This gave rise to a debate focusing on the interconnection of apps with healthcare systems, among other things.

The conference was closed out by Rosa Andrés, Manager of the Gandia Department of Health.


If you have an idea for a project and you need a partner from the healthcare, university or business setting to carry it out, submit your idea to  and we will help you find them. In addition, you can find the ideas presented and actively participate by collaborating in their implementation.


Campus de Gandia (UPV): Pilar Sánchez |, Amparo Estruch |

FISABIO-DS Gandia: María Prada |, Amparo Arlandis |, Silvia Llàcer | , Elena Carrió |

Empresas-FAES: Josep Miquel Juan , Fina López |

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