Campus de Gandia Ciencia

Safor Salut Assembles Social Agents in a Creativity Workshop

The “Safor Salut” cooperation program, a joint initiative between Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), FISABIOGandia Health Department, FISABIOHACLE La Pedrera and the Federation of Business Associations of La Safor (FAES), has assembled the group of social agents  taking part in the project as collaborators, in a creativity workshop aimed at brainstorming and developing ideas for healthcare projects, on Tuesday, November 30 at the Fomento de Gandia building.

The session focused on bringing together and connecting the participating agents, as well as on explaining and applying creativity techniques in the processes of defining and developing ideas and challenges. All this with the ultimate aim of promoting the generation of new health research and innovation projects among all the agents involved in the program.

Taking part in the session were representatives from the Foundation for Health Research in the Safor region (AISSA), the Spanish Cancer Association of Gandia and Valencia, the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Association of Gandia and the Safor (DIFFAC.GANDIA), the Espurna Foundation, the Parkinson’s Association of  Gandia-Safor, he Alzheimer’s Family Organization of the Safor (AFA La Safor) the Safor Commonwealth of Municipalities, the Gandia City Council, La Pedrera Hospital and the Gandia Health Department.

The creativity workshops are especially focused on cases that require lateral thinking (creativity) to define the challenges. These workshops bring together people with different profiles to analyze situations, generate divergence and propose new ideas and different solutions that end up defining a set of challenges.

“We  started out with the different set of “challenges” identified by the group of social agents that took part in the Safor Salut conference to co-create innovative solutions through a multidisciplinary team,” according to the Safor Salut technical team.


These sessions focused on the patient experience. They consisted in understanding the unmet needs of patients as users of the healthcare system and, together with the rest of healthcare professionals, technologists and companies, transform he healthcare context to achieve innovative health and wellness outcomes.

“The innovative solutions will be improvements and innovations in products and services that will respond to the needs of people, who will have contributed their knowledge in the innovation process from the outset,” as pointed out by the team.

Over the 2022, the Safor Salut team plans to hold more creativity workshops with the project’s social agents, as well as innovation pills and co-creation workshops that will involve all the agents involved in this project.


If you have a project idea and require a partner from the healthcare, university, or business sector to execute it, submit your idea to We’ll assist you in finding suitable partners. Additionally, you can explore the ideas submitted by others and actively participate by contributing to their implementation.


Campus de Gandia (UPV)Pilar Sánchez | psanche@upv.esNeus Montoro |

FISABIO-DS GandiaMaría Prada | prada_marmar@gva.esAmparo Arlandis,

Elena Carrió | carrio_elearg@gva.esSilvia Llàcer

Empresas-FAESJosep Miquel Juan |, Fina López |


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