Polisabio 2010, the third edition of the Partnership Program between the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Valencian Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research in the Valencian Community (FISABIO, for its Valencian initials), is already underway.
This call will award 15 grants of up to €4,000 to finance preparatory actions to support the exploration and formulation of future research/ innovation projects between research staff of the UPV and FISABIO. One of the novelties of this call is that two innovation projects will also be funded with a budget of €15,000 each. In this program, a minimum of 3 preparatory actions are guaranteed for Campus Gandia.
To encourage the generation of new projects and facilitate participation in the call, you can register “expressions of interest” (briefly describing the project idea) on the POLISABIO web platform for the purpose of identifying health professionals and research personnel interested in collaborating.
In addition, two sessions dedicated to cooperation in research and technological innovation have been organized. The call for grants will be presented during these sessions and bilateral meetings will be held between participants who have sent their expressions of interest and those interested in collaborating. María Aláez, Technical Director of FENIN (Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies), will participate in the session and will talk about “What is a Healthcare product and how is it regulated”.
Jesús Alba (Campus Gandia-UPV), Pilar Sánchez (Campus Gandia-UPV), Laia Bielsa (UPV), Elena Carrió (FISABIO), Mª Carmen Rodrigo (UPV), Fernando Conesa (UPV), José Esteban Capilla (UPV), José Antonio Manrique (FISABIO), María Prada (FISABIO), Patricia Fernández (FISABIO), Juana Ferrús (FISABIO) and Juan Ignacio Torregrosa (Campus Alcoi-UPV).
The submission period for the grant applications will begin on June 24 and end on July 12, 2019, and may be submitted through the Fundanet Call Portal on FISABIO.
For Jesús Alba, director of the Campus of Gandia, this joint endeavor “has and will increase the direct repercussion that science has on people’s health and the quality of life, since the projects focus on the real health-related needs related of society. It will also stimulate new collaborations between both groups, the university and healthcare personnel”. The objective is to boost territorial competitiveness, detect unmet needs in the healthcare environment and ideas that may lead to new products and innovative services, facilitate the transfer of knowledge between the University and healthcare facilities through joint collaborative projects.
The UPV-FISABIO Partnership Program was launched in 2017 with the aim of generating synergies and stimulating new collaborations between researchers from the UPV and the staff of the Valencian Community Health Departments affiliated with FISABIO. Initially the program was developed for the Alcoy and Gandia campuses, and the local hospitals. The program for 2018 was extended to the Vera campus and to the rest of the FISABIO centers in the province of Valencia. In 2019 it has expanded with a greater budget and more health centers in Valencia and Alicante.
The purpose of this call is to support and promote preparatory activities to carry out joint innovation projects coordinated between staff members from both entities, as well as to strengthen collaboration between researchers from the UPV and the staff from centers affiliated with FISABIO, particularly of the Departments of Health of Xativa-Ontinyent, Elda, Sant Joan d’Alacant, Marina Baixa, Gandia, Alcoi, Sagunt, València-Arnau de Vilanova-Llíria, Valencia-Doctor Peset, Requena, Elx General Hospital, Elx-Crevillent , Torrevieja, Orihuela and La Ribera as well as FISABIO-Public Health, Center of Transfusion of the CV, Hospital of San Vicente, La Pedrera Hospital, Doctor Moliner Hospital, Pare Jofré Hospital and FISABIO-Medical Ophthalmology.