Campus de Gandia Ciencia

Research in Environmental Sciences

Gandia Campus of the UPV is conducting important lines of research in the field of environmental conservation. The faculty and research staff are focusing their studies in various spheres of action:

– Modelling of dynamic systems and mathematical and statistical applications

– Chemical Pollution and Ecotoxicology

– Detection of pesticides and other contaminants

– Conservation of biodiversity in rivers

– Environmental and urban acoustics

In the field of modeling of dynamic systems and mathematical and statistical applications, Professor Vicent Estruch is in charge of this line of research, which aims to turn environmental problems into mathematical models for making predictions.

In the field of marine and coastal environmentMiguel Rodilla is leading a group that is researching the geochemical processes occurring in the marine environment. Researchers are working along with this professor and analyzing the geochemical conditions of the marine sediment that causes algal blooms when polluted.

On the other hand, Francisco Francisco Martínez Capel is in charge of several research projects within the framework of the conservation of biodiversity in rivers.

In the field of environmental and urban acoustics, Professor Jesús Alba is leading a working group with extensive experience in projects financed by public agencies and private companies. Their projects focus on the development of new non-contaminating soundproofing materials derived from natural or recycled materials. As for analytical chemistry, much of the research is focusing on detecting the presence of pesticides and other contaminants.

Also found on Campus Gandia of the UPV is the Research Institute for Integrated Coastal Zone (IGIC), that promotes and conducts scientific research of excellence in land management, building technological tools for intervention and monitoring of ecosystems. Their objective is to facilitate the creation of a multidisciplinary team to increase the possibilities of conducting research projects that serve as gateways to larger projects. The IGIC is composed of 70 researchers belonging to Campus Gandia.

Thanks to the union between the technological capabilities of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the needs of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), the IEO-UPV Joint Research Unit in Technology for Marine Studies (UTEM) was born, located on our campus. It consists of 50 researchers from the UPV and 25 from the IEO.

The UTEM is working on the development of technological tools and new methods of study in three areas: aquaculture, study of the marine environment, biodiversity, and fishery resources.

In addition to fieldwork in the natural environment, the Campus offers facilities to carry out their investigations, such as the Organisms Laboratory, the Biotechnology Laboratory, the Ecology and Soil Laboratory, the nursery, the Mapping Laboratory mapping, the herbarium, as well as the aquaculture facilities, the rockery and the warehouses in the port of Gandia.

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