Campus de Gandia Ciencia

The Environment in Times of Pandemic

Confinement has given rise to numerous online cultural and scientific dissemination initiatives to help keep us busy and learn new things at home. As part of this trend, the Eucrante Association has offered two free online talks by Miguel Rodilla, research professor at Campus Gandia of the Universitat Politècnica de València, and marine environment expert.

During this period of isolation, the Association has managed to adapt to the current circumstances and continues to pursue one of its main objectives, the promotion of environmental education. Proof of this are the various recommendations for free educational resources shared on their Facebook profile, as well as the new formats for the delivery of their talks, which were initially intended to be given in person at interested schools, high schools or centers. These talks have had to adapt to the social-isolation requirements and were subsequently offered online.

On Thursday, April 16, the talk “Underwater Hydrothermal Chimneys” was broadcast, and on Thursday, April 23, the talk “The Ocean as a Carbon Sink” was broadcast, both in online format.

At the moment, Eucrante is preparing two more activities that they hope to carry out soon, when the pandemic permits. They are: “Sea Monster or Our Garbage Nightmare” and “Cleaning the Seabed”, which will be announced on their social media profiles in advance.

Eucrante has the support of the Gandia-Albufera Local Fisheries Action Group (GALP, for its Spanish initials) to organize these and many other talks focused on topics related to the marine environment and its different ecosystems, as well as the impacts of climate change and human action on these ecosystems.


Eucrante was launched at Campus Gandia in 2019 as a non-profit organization made up of teachers, research staff and students who shared a common interest in the marine environment and its conservation. With this commitment, the association carries out studies, conservation, protection and recovery activities of the marine environment, as well as activities aimed at promoting environmental education, dissemination and awareness of the importance of preserving the marine environment.

The aim of the association is to contribute to the conservation of the marine environment, in line with number 14 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

They also form part of the Neighborhood Movement for Climate Change and Sustainability of La Safor (MVCCS, for its Spanish initials).

In this spirit, Eucrante emphasizes the investigation of maritime activities and their impact on ecosystems, supporting research projects that enable the advancement of knowledge in this field.

You can follow Eucrante on the following social networks:

Neus Montoro Estellés

Officer for Youth Guarantee for RDI Management and Promotion at Campus Gandia

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